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Ragland, Ruth Ann, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Rahman, Naseem, UUNZ Institute of Business
Rahmanian, Emad, University of Tehran
Randle, Brenda
Rantala, Eero, University of Jyväskylä
Rasmussen, Leslie, Xavier University
Rast, Rebecca, Missouri State University
Ray, Stephanie, St. Philip's College
Reagan, Rebecca, University of Windsor
Redondo, Rachel A., Bowling Green State University
Reed, Phil, Swansea University, UK
Reid, Amanda, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Reif, Sydney, Northern Michigan University
Reindfleisch, Christine, Longwood University
Reinikainen, Hanna, University of Jyväskylä
Rekhter, Natalia, Governor State University
Rhoads, James C, Westminster College
Richard, Erin M., Florida Institute of Technology
Riffe, Daniel, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Rimzhim, Anurag, Department of Psychological Science Central Connecticut State University, CT, USA 06050
Robinson, Tom
Rocconi, Louis M., University of Tennessee
Rodgers, Rachel, Northeastern University
Romney, Miles, Brigham Young University
Rony, Nazmul K, Slippery Rock University

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