Exploring social networks of #Election2020results and #BidenTransition on Twitter after the presidential election in the United States


  • Ahmed Deen School of Media Arts and Studies Ohio University
  • Po-Lin Pan Department of Communication Arkansas State University


social network analysis, Twitter, hashtag, #Election2020results, BidenTransition, presidential election


Using Netlytic, Gephi, and Voyant, this study attempted to provide an in-depth social network analysis of two hashtags #Election2020results and #BidenTransition after the 2020 presidential election in the US. The data were collected from November 24th to November 30th, 2020, where the tweets of both hashtags increased dramatically. A total of 39,341 tweets of both hashtags were included in this analysis. Results showed that when the mode was considered as a multimode network, five influential nodes were found, with three from the same organization — MyNation based in India. The term, Biden Transition, was consistently repeated (21,571 out of 39,341 tweets) within the networks. Moreover, most tweets within the networks were retweeted from original tweets, due to that #BidenTransition was 20,039 out of 39,341 tweets for both hashtags. Practical implications of Twitter users’ tendencies among the two selected hashtags #Election2020results and #BidenTransition were also discussed.


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