Investigating Reddit Self-Disclosure and Confessions in Relation to Connectedness, Social Support, and Life Satisfaction


  • Brandon Miller University of Massachusetts Boston


Online Disinhibition, Reddit, Self-Disclosure, Social Connectedness, Narcissism, Social Support, Life Satisfaction, Sensation Seeking


As a site where users can, and often do, remain anonymous, Reddit is a useful site for investigating how online disinhibition contributes to the sharing of private information. The current study surveyed Reddit users (N = 628) about the sharing of personal information unknown to their friends and families – and in particular, the use of threads developed for confessionary purposes. Results revealed a connection between the sharing of personal unknown information and feelings of connectedness, social support, and life satisfaction, as well as the traits of sensation seeking and narcissism. Furthermore, the frequency of posting official confessions was positively related to loneliness and narcissism, and negatively related to social connectedness and life satisfaction. Rating and/or commenting upon confession posts was significantly related to sensation seeking and narcissism. Finally, spending more time online, on social media, and on Reddit was associated with more self-disclosure of intimate and unknown information.


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