Family Communication, Privacy, and Facebook


  • Eric M. Fife James Madison University
  • LuAnn LaCava Duquesne University
  • C. Leigh Nelson James Madison University


Family Communication, Social Networking Sites, Facebook, Privacy


Four focus groups were conducted to explore how college students communicate with family members through Facebook. Communication Privacy Management served as the theoretical basis for the analysis, which suggested students balance privacy concerns with a desire to maintain and strengthen familial relationships. Participants described largely positive experiences communicating with family members on Facebook.

Author Biographies

Eric M. Fife, James Madison University

Eric M. Fife (Ph.D., Purdue University; M.A., University of Maryland; B.S., James Madison University) is an associate professor in the School of Communication Studies at JMU with research interests in family communication, friendship, and social networking sites.

LuAnn LaCava, Duquesne University

LuAnn LaCava (B.A., James Madison University) is in law school at Duquesne University.

C. Leigh Nelson, James Madison University

C. Leigh Nelson (Ph.D., Purdue University; B.A., M.A., Washington State University) is an associate professor in the School of Communication Studies at JMU with research interests in social networking sites, family communication, and the influence of alcohol on communication processes.


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